The tree of life



▫️The tree of life ▫️

You are the glorious tree
In every season of life
You shine brighter

You are the unshakable tree
In every season of life
You grow stronger

You are the flourishing tree
In every season of life
You bear abundant fruit

You are the tree of life
According to your faith
It will be done for you


“He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by Yahweh’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. He is never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous.” ‭‭(Psalms‬ ‭1:3‬)



▫️그 나무▫️

넌 찬란한 나무
시절을 좇아
더 밝게 빛나네

넌 신실한 나무
삶의 매순간
더 강하게 자라네

넌 무성한 나무
모든 계절에
풍성한 열매를 맺네

넌 생명의 나무
믿음 그대로
그 나무가 되네

“저는 시냇가에 심은 나무가 시절을 좇아 과실을 맺으며 그 잎사귀가 마르지 아니함 같으니 그 행사가 다 형통하리로다” (시편‬ ‭1:3‬)


#Nam0515 ~ #Nam0517






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