Natural beauty comes from the inside out
Quietly it spreads from you like a fragrance
You don’t have to stand out in a crowd
Humbly harmonize with one another in love
Until you shine beautifully like a pearl
Allow your life journey to transform you
Continue to fill your heart with soft colors
Bring the scents of Heaven to earth abundantly
아름다움 그대로
내면의 아름다움 그대로
은은하게 향기처럼 번지네
스스로 돋보이지 않고
겸손히 사랑안에 조화롭게
진주같이 아름답게 빛날 때까지
삶의 여정이 빚어가도록
늘 온유한 빛깔로 마음 채우길
하늘향기 이곳 가득 넘쳐나도록
#Nam0474 ~ #Nam0490
Natural beauty I & II. 8”x8” x2pcs. Acrylic paint and canvas fabric. 2022
Natural beauty III & IV. 8”x8” x2pcs. Acrylic paint and canvas fabric. 2022
Natural beauty V & VI. 8”x8” x2pcs. Acrylic paint and canvas fabric. 2022
Natural beauty VII & VIII. 8”x8” x2pcs. Acrylic paint and canvas fabric. 2022
Natural beauty IX. 10”x8”. Acrylic paint and canvas fabric. Shadowbox. 2022