The way

“Yahshua explained, “I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life.
No one comes next to the Father except through union with me.
To know me is to know my Father too.”(John‬ ‭14:6‬)


▫️The way ▫️

Wherever I go
You go before me
In every season
You are with me

I don’t live anywhere
I do live in You
You are my destiny
I walk in You

You are the way
Now and forever
No matter what
I will follow You


▫️그 길▫️

어디로 가던지
내 앞에 가시네
모든 시절을 좇아
늘 함께 하시네

어느 곳도 아닌
그 안에 거하리
내가 도착해야 할
그 길을 걸으리

오직 한 길
지금도 영원히
어떤 상황 속에서도
그 길을 따르리


#Nam0421 ~ #Nam0428






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